My third book of poetry, Rodeo, was selected by Patricia Smith as winner of the 2024 Donald Justice Poetry Prize and is forthcoming in 2025 from Autumn House Press.
My essays can be found in Best of the Net, New Ohio Review, Sou’wester, River Teeth,, and Waccamaw.
Other awards include the Joy Harjo Prize from Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts, the NORward Poetry Prize from New Ohio Review, and the Sherwin W. Howard Award from Weber: The Contemporary West. My chapbook, The Ache and the Wing, won the 2020 Sundress Chapbook Prize. My first full-length collection, The Marriage of the Moon and the Field (Black Lawrence Press, 2019), was a finalist for the Hudson Prize.
I live and write in Pleasant View, a small city in northern Utah that boasts a peach orchard, fields, old barns, cows, wandering deer, a couple of stoplights, terrific views of the Wasatch Mountains, and the best cinnamon rolls this side of anywhere. I garden and hike the trails here with my husband and our 3 sons and teach creative writing at Weber State University. I also help run a local reading series called Railtown Readings, which features celebrated writers of northern Utah and the West. But most days I just aspire to be a good human.